Saturday, March 7, 2009

BBQ At The Garcia's

Today the whanua paid a visit to Manal, Hector, Tyler and Cameron for a BBQ. It was so nice to get our two families together, as Manal and myself spend lots of time together running and Adrienne and Hector work in the same Industry. Also, Jarvis and and Cameron are pretty close in age, with both being full of energy and get on very well, so all round, a perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

We arrived at 12-noon to find a flustered Manal in the kitchen, which I expected, as Manal is always telling me, that cooking is not one of her favourite things. Manal did make a wonderful creamy potato dish, so she can't be all that bad.

Within seconds of arriving Jarvis and Cameron were off playing upstairs, while Manal and I talked about running and Adrienne and Hector talked about Finance. I have to confess, that for a while when Manal was busy, I sat down and tried to join in on a conversation that Hector and Adrienne were deep into, but didn't understand a thing they were talking about. Ah well, I'm just the pretty House Dad who cooks, cleans and runs the house!

Lunch was wonderful and our whole family, thanks to the Garcia's, are now hooked on grilled Haloumi cheese. My god, it's beautiful and I think I'll be adding it to our shopping list each week now.

It's strange, but I'm with little people all week and come the weekend, I still find time to enjoy playing with them. As the adults drank wine and chatted 'adult stuff' inside, I found myself outside playing with all the boys. I guess it's now my full time job and nice that I don't begrudge being with little people at weekends.

We did plan to go to the park after lunch, but everyone was very tired and well fed, so we came home to crash on he sofa, as I expect our buddies did, to reflect on a wonderful lunch date with wonderful friends.



  1. cool, I wish my friends wore t-shirts with my name on them! LOL!

  2. It's something I insist all my friends do...hint hint ;o)
