Friday, February 6, 2009

Fush 'n' Chups On Waitangi Day

I have to say that I'm quite enjoying not blogging each day now, meaning, that for me, when I do, it's quite a buzz. However, I've not too much to report this week, as we've taken it fairly easy, as we get back into the routine of Jarvis going back at school.

We did have an interesting day at Little Dynamo's though, and strangely, it was because it was so very quiet. Normally there would be hundreds of little people running around, but on Monday morning, we shared the place with about six other little people. You are probably thinking that is a great thing, but the boys really enjoy interacting with other little people, so when it's so quiet, they get a little frustrated. Oh well, we had a fun time.

Jarvis has now started to wash his own hair, not because he wanted to, but because I have had  bit of dermatitis flair up on my fingers, so keeping it out of chemicals is a good idea. He's quite enjoying washing his own hair and creates the most unusual hair sculptures. Sadly, Felix still loathes having his hair washed, rinsed or even touched!

Felix and myself have been attending music classes on a Wednesday, with our buddies Belinda and Cissy, Emma and Jude. It's quite good and Felix is more into it than Jarvis was at his age. Felix claps along and is quite a bold wee guy. But then if you have Jarvis as a role model, I guess confidence would not be a problem.

Adrienne forgot to take her packed lunch to work on Friday, so it was the prefect excuse for Felix and myself to have a city day. It's the first time that it's just been Felix and me in the city and it was heaps of fun. The highlight for both of us though was to see Adrienne for 30-minutes. We even managed to grab a quick bite to eat and drink with our beautiful Mumma/Wife.

Friday was Waitangi Day and being so far from home, we needed to celebrate in some way. To be honest, we'd forgotten about it, so our planning was very last minute. The only thing I could think of doing was to have a fish and chip dinner. The reason for this is that here in Australia, they claim that Kiwi's don't say fish and chips, but fush un chups! So yeah, seeing as we are Kiwi's in Aussie, we had a fush n chup dinner to celebrate Waitangi Day.


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